
Kick The Sugar Workshop

Do you crave sugar?
Do your cravings drive you nuts?
Are you ready to overcome your sugar cravings?

If you are yes to all three questions then you'll want to be sure you join us on your journey to kick your sugar cravings to the curb for good!

We will also explore the impacts of refined sugar on oral health and the oral microbime.

Emotional Eating, Digestive and Hormone Expert Amber Romaniuk will explore the topics:
-The physical and emotional imbalances fuelling sugar cravings
-Emotional connections to our cravings, emotional eating and releasing food guilt
-How refined sugar impacts our hormone/gut health and fuels inflammation
-Sugar, mood and dopamine levels 
-Key recommendations to help reduce and curbing cravings & how to bounce back after overindulging. 

Dr. Spencer DeSanti will be discussing:
-Sugars and acids in the mouth and on teeth
-Sugar and the impacts on the oral microbiome

You will also receive tips to support your blood sugar and the best blood sugar supporting food, tea and spice guide emailed to you as soon as you sign up!

About Amber Romaniuk:
Amber Romaniuk is an Emotional Eating, Digestive and Hormone Expert, with 10 years experience helping others create a level of body confidence, intuition and optimal health through powerful mindset healing, self-care and overcoming self-sabotage with food. She does this through addressing the key negative thoughts, patterns and limiting beliefs that keep women stuck in the same behaviors for years and decades that they haven’t been able to break. Her podcast “The No Sugarcoating Podcast” has over a million downloads, over 400 episodes and is listened to in over 88 countries.

Amber overcame her own emotional eating after gaining and losing more than 1000 lbs and spending over $50,000 on binge foods and spending 5 years balancing her hormones, digestion. She also dismantled her deep limiting beliefs and behaviors keeping her stuck in the same looping patterns. Now she helps others achieve the biggest healing miracles of Body Freedom™ so they have the confidence and health to create amazing lives.

About Dr. Spencer DeSanti: 
The mouth is a gateway to our overall health. Our existing oral biological environment and what goes in our mouth, impacts our systemic condition. As we approach health it is imperative to consider the implications of all our actions and decisions. As a member of the IAOMT and having been SMART certified, Dr. DeSanti is committed to a holistic health-centered approach where he values the connection between oral health and systemic wellness. Dr. DeSanti truly cares for all his patients and always takes their best interest to heart.

In a world of tumultuous noise and confusion, we can easily be misdirected in what is best for our health and well-being. One of the hallmarks of Living Wellness Dental Northland is our focus on Empowered Healthcare. Dr. DeSanti embodies this philosophy. He is dedicated to helping you take control and ownership of your personal health and well-being. Understanding the treatment options, medical needs and personal values are an integral part of healthcare decisions.

As soon as you sign up you will get an email with the link for the workshop replay and worksheets! Enjoy!