Hormone Harmony
A self-study program with Amber Romaniuk to help you get to the root of your unique hormone imbalances and create Body Freedom.
Every single woman I've worked with in private coaching, including myself, has experienced significant hormone imbalances.
And it doesn't matter the age…
Perhaps you have this feeling in your body like something is seriously off with your mood, body or health...
Yet, when you ask to get tests done or share with your healthcare provider that you feel like your hormones are out of whack, you get the "You are too young", "You are fine there's nothing wrong with you", "After "x" age your body just declines, so just accept this..."
Or maybe you’ve gotten tests done and were told everything is normal… or take all these supplements but nothing really changes.
Let me tell you... these aren't good enough answers that will help you reach optimal health and Body Freedom
Are you ready to identify the root causes of your hormone imbalances for good?
To have someone advocate for you that will now question you, and just walk beside you to support you to Hormone Harmony? If your answer is HECK YES! then you are in the right place.
So many women come to me having weight-loss struggles, skin breakouts, horrible bloating and gut issues, hair loss, fatigue, brain fog, and much more, and they always tell me they've tried everything but no one has been willing to support them and really LOOK at the root issues of their symptoms.
They feel like there's something wrong but they haven't gotten the answers, and it's significantly impacting day-to-day life. Can you relate? If so, Hormone Harmony Self-Study is a great introduction into your hormone imbalances.

☑️ 6 90-minute recorded modules exploring the key root causes of your hormone imbalances.
☑️ A Bonus mind map to help you map out how you want to FEEL in your body in different areas of your health journey.
☑️ Bonus Blood Sugar Balancer videos to help you regulate blood sugar and reduce your cravings.
☑️ Tools and worksheets to help you build more awareness around your sleep, stress, gut health, self-care, emotional eating triggers and so much more.
You can also do VIP Hormone Harmony Self-Study and receive:
☑️ One round of Hormone Testing.
☑️ One 1 hour health assessment + one 45-minute private coaching follow-up with Amber to review your hormone results to gain even deeper clarity and receive specific recommendations to help bring your hormones back into balance.

MODULE 1: Hormones 101
Learn about what your key hormones, vitamins and inflammatory markers are including thyroid, cortisol, progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, Vitamin D, B12, Magnesium and more. Understand based on your unique imbalances what the root issues of your hormone imbalances are so you can start taking the unique steps for your own body balance. Whether it’s skin breakouts, bloating, PMS, loss of cycle, weight-gain cravings and more…you will begin to understand where your hormone imbalances have come from and how they are impacting your symptoms.

MODULE 2: Building Habits to Balance Hormones
Mindful eating, self-care, overbooked schedules, body image issues and boundaries will all be looked at this month. If you are struggling with emotional eating, people pleasing or feel uncomfortable taking time for yourself, we will dive deep into small ways to start to add more balance into your life and identify your emotional eating triggers.

MODULE 3: Overcoming Self-Sabotaging Behaviors
Whether it’s overcoming emotional eating, reducing alcohol consumption, balancing your exercise routine or less negative self-talk, we must spend time talking about the negative voice that is keeping you in the habits and behaviors that are fueling the hormone imbalances. The ego. I will help you build awareness of this voice and how to take your power back so you uplevel the way you take care of your body, mind and soul.

MODULE 4: Gut Health, Inflammation and Hormones
Our gut and hormone health are directly connected and I will guide you through gentle and effective digestive supports to balance your system, which will aid in hormone harmony. Nutrition, supplements and self-care activities that will make your digestion happy will be explored.

MODULE 5: Calming the Nervous System
Lack of sleep, dehydration, too much caffeine, tech stimulation and more, can really keep those hormone levels out of whack. Understand what’s overwhelming your body and set up new habits to calm the nervous system and more deeply connect with yourself and your body to aid in hormone balance.

MODULE 6: Building Body Confidence
Body image struggles, feeling insecure and feeling uncomfortable can FUEL hormone imbalances. Part of regulating our hormones is learning to understand what triggers us to be critical of our body, clear out the negative self-talk and reactions and learn to take our power back. A powerful body image tool will be introduced and I will help you learn how to clear out the old negative self-talk and insecurities and build more confidence which helps you release weight and regulate your nervous system. This is so important for hormone balance!
Are you ready to say yes to understanding your hormone health and why your body isn’t feeling optimal right now? This is such a POWERFUL place to start.

"I’d been intuitively feeling for years that I had different hormone imbalances which were validated. Working with Amber gave me the support and stability that I feel like I needed to go off of the birth control pill and balance my hormones and gut health in a natural way that felt easy and reasonable. The imbalances validated what my body needed which was such a relief to see and address. Getting my high cortisol levels down has been extremely important for me as I was constantly living in a state of stress. I didn’t know how to get out of that until I started working with Amber."