Female Hormone Health & Weight-Loss Workshop Series
A series of four 90-minute classes with Amber Romaniuk to help you identify connections between hormone imbalances and weight-loss blocks to make peace with your body.

Are you tired of the weight-gain/weight-loss cycle?

Tired of doing the same quick fix diets and exercise routines but you can't seem to release weight and keep it off?

Do you feel like you have a hormone imbalance but don't know how it's connected to your metabolism and weight?

If you are yes, you'll want to be sure you join us to learn all things female hormone health and WHY your body is "hanging on" to the weight.

Sign Up Now!

Our hormones play a MASSIVE role in so many key functions in the body including our mood, metabolism, energy levels and weight.

Yet we aren't properly educated how key hormone imbalances, inflammation, negative self-talk, stressors, restrictive diets, emotional eating and past traumas can keep the body stressed fueling BOTH hormone imbalances and weight-gain.

We are simply taught to "eat less and exercise more" to burn the calories and release the weight. And the question is - if this worked, why do so many women continue to be stuck on the emotional rollercoaster of weight-loss followed by weight-gain?

It's because the quick fix diet approach isn't the answer to your desire for sustained weight-loss and happy hormones. It's what will keep fueling more stress with your metabolism, hormone function, body insecurities and your quality of life.

I get it, weight-gain can make us feel really upset, insecure, sad and frustrated. When you get on the scale in the morning and it hasn't moved, or WORSE it's gone up, it could set the tone for your day. And I don't want that number to dictate your happiness anymore.

I'm here to help you TAKE YOUR POWER BACK and learn about the connections between hormone imbalances and weight-gain. We will also be diving into not only the usual thyroid health, sex hormones, stress hormones but also things like your hunger hormones, blood sugar, gut health, habits and behaviors that ALL play a role in whether your body will feel safe enough to release or keep weight on.

Your body's last 2 priorities when she's in a heightened state of stress are:
Reproduction and Weight-loss.

So instead of another diet that will only stress you out more, we are going to get into the WHY's behind your body pushing weight-loss to the bottom of the list.

Trust me, it's not about having more "willpower" or "control" with food or exercise. If you've been struggling with your weight for years or decades, there are deeper root issues to explore and this workshop series will give you many answers you've been seeking.

There are key hormone imbalances that will make it feel more difficult to lose weight, as well as certain phases of a woman's life that will impact metabolism more. I'm going to give you all the insights into all of this so you can stop being so hard on yourself that your body won't budge. 

I get it, I had an undetected hormone imbalances for years! 

I gained over 80 pounds, I was never hungry, always exhausted, mood issues, constipated and could not figure out what the heck it was. I just really didn't feel like myself. 

In fact, my hormone imbalances became a MASSIVE weight-loss block and once I started to get the answers around the specific hormone issues I had, the weight started coming off and it's been easy to maintain.

I want the same for you! I’ve worked with thousands of women who’ve had all kinds of hormone imbalances and weight-loss blocks they had no idea about. We finally found the root causes to help them gain back energy, mental clarity, better mood and of course the bonus of learning to work with your body is the weight comes off without the old diet/burn calories approach.

We do this by addressing the true ROOTS of your hormone symptoms and exploring your key weight-loss blocks.

Ready to get answers to support optimal hormone function and release your weight-loss blocks? Come join me for The Female Hormone Health & Weight-Loss Workshop Series!

One of the first KEY steps in optimal hormone health is to assess your symptoms AND get proper hormone testing done rather than self-diagnosing with Dr. Google. The second is to get CURIOUS about WHY your body is hanging onto the weight.

In this workshop series, we are going to talk about KEY hormone imbalances, how they impact your mood, metabolism, water retention, weight and more. We are going to identify multiple weight-loss blocks you may be dealing with, so you can take steps to clear them out of the way and A LOT more.
(All the details are below.)

Are you ready to….

  • Understand the root causes of your hormone issues & connections to weight
  • Identify your unique set of weight-loss blocks and start overcoming them
  • Learn the different hormone imbalances including adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues, sex hormone imbalances, inflammatory markers and how they impact weight, retention, metabolism, appetite & more
  • Know what tests to request or get ordered to get the most accurate read of your hormone health
  • Key recommendations to support better hormone function, less retention and improved metabolism EVEN if you have been diagnosed with a hormone imbalance...
  • Take the steps to better hormone function naturally and gentle weight-loss
  • And how to address and deal with multiple weight-loss blocks at once


Then come join us to help you learn all things hormones and weight-loss blocks!

Week 1: Identifying Weight-Loss Blocks

  • Receive the exclusive welcome video BONUS: Let's Get Curious about your weight-loss blocks.
  • The primal role of weight-gain and it's true purpose
  • Understand the key physical, emotional, hormonal, environmental and stress weight-loss blocks
  • Explore the role stress plays in retaining water and putting on weight
  • Difference between water retention and weight-gain
  • Break down why weight is a protective mechanism and why the body hangs on when she doesn't feel safe
  • Ways our childhood and past can make the body hang onto weight
  • Understand how your relationship with food impacts your weight (emotional eating, binge eating, binge/purge cycle, overeating, not eating enough)
  • Chronic dieting, restriction and its impact on impairing metabolism
  • Why we need to eat enough to release weight
  • The power of our thoughts connected to weight
  • Negative self-talk, self-criticism and weight
  • The connection between putting pressure on yourself and weight-gain
  • Why you keep trying the same things to lose weight and they aren't working
  • Why you gain more weight back after losing it
  • How your schedule, habits, patterns and mindset impact your weight
  •  Restriction and overeating
  • Steps to start addressing your unique set of weight-loss blocks
  • Steps to repairing metabolism

    Reg: $88 Now: $49 USD
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Week 2: Hormone Imbalance & Weight-Gain

  • Receive the exclusive welcome video BONUS: Let's Get Curious about your weight-loss blocks.
  • How adrenal stress and cortisol issues impact weight
  • Thyroid health and its impact on weight, retention and metabolism (Hypothyroid and Hashimoto's)
  • Low Progesterone and metabolism
  • Perimenopause, Menopause and weight-gain
  • Estrogen dominance and weight-gain
  • Low DHEA and weight
  • Hormone imbalances and water retention
  • The appetite, thyroid, metabolism connection
  • KEY tests we must get done for hormone health
  • Reviewing the optimal range of hormone test results
  • Why so many women have "normal results" but all the symptoms of a hormone issue connected to weight-gain
  • Intro steps to start addressing hormone imbalances 

Reg: $88 Now: $49 USD

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Week 3: Leptin, Ghrelin & Insulin

  • Receive the exclusive welcome video BONUS: Let's Get Curious about your weight-loss blocks 
  • Main functions of insulin
  • Insulin resistance and weight-gain
  • Signs of insulin resistance
  • Learning about your hunger hormones Ghrelin and Leptin
  • Main functions of Ghrelin and Leptin
  • How too much leptin impacts weight
  • Lack of hunger signal and blood sugar
  • Lack of hunger signal and weight-gain
  • The appetite, blood sugar, adrenal connection 
  • How dieting impacts your hunger hormones
  • How to boost our hunger signal and regulate our blood sugar
    Reg: $88 Now: $49 USD
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Week 4: Inflammation & Water Retention

  • Receive the exclusive welcome video BONUS: Let's Get Curious about your weight-loss blocks 
  • Ways inflammation and gut issues impact water retention and weight
  • C-Reactive protein and weight-gain
  • Signs of inflammation
  • Why we must reduce inflammation to help release weight
  • Candida overgrowth, inflammation and water retention
  • Poor detoxification and weight-gain
  • The role your lymphatic system plays in water retention
  • Hypothyroid and water retention
  • Foods that fuel inflammation
  • Foods that reduce inflammation
  • Natural recommendations to improve gut health, reduce inflammation and release water retention
    Reg: $88 Now: $49 USD
Sign Up Here!

Sign up for the ENTIRE 4 week journey here!

If you know you want in for all 4 weeks you can bundle all 4, sign up and save here!

PLUS, you receive the exclusive welcome video BONUS: Let's Get Curious about your weight-loss blocks.

Reg: $356 Now: $179 USD

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VIP Bundle + Hormone Package

Get all 4 weeks access to the workshop series PLUS a 1-hour private health assessment and hormone test with Amber to review during this time.

You will fill out a thorough intake form and any health complaints or questions will be answered by Amber and natural recommendations will be provided to help you gain relief.

PLUS, you receive the exclusive welcome video BONUS: Let's Get Curious about your weight-loss blocks.

Reg: $999 Now: $803 USD

Sign Up Here!

Are you ready to come and join us to

get on the journey to overcome weight-loss blocks and create optimal hormone health?! 

Come join us!

The Female Hormone Health & Weight-Loss Workshop Series

Dates: October 30th, November 6th, 13th & 20th
Where: Zoom
Regular $88 USD each now $49 USD each or bundle and save!
(Times for each class will be in the welcome email after you sign up! Each workshop is 90 minutes.}
As soon as you sign up you receive instant access to the exclusive "Let's Get Curious about Your Weight-Loss Blocks." 

(If you can't make the live session(s), you will get lifetime access to the replay!)


Sign Me Up!

About Amber 

Amber Romaniuk is an Emotional Eating, Digestive and Hormone Expert who helps high achieving women create a level of body confidence, intuition and optimal health through powerful mindset healing, self-care and overcoming self-sabotage with food. She does this through addressing the key negative thoughts, patterns and limiting beliefs, that keep women stuck in the same behaviors for years and decades, that they haven’t been able to break. Her podcast “The No Sugarcoating Podcast” has over 1.9 million downloads, over 500 episodes and is listened to in over 88 countries.

Amber overcame her own emotional eating after gaining and losing more than 1000 lbs and spending over $50,000 on binge foods, and spending 5 years balancing her hormones and digestion. She also dismantled her deep limiting beliefs and behaviors keeping her stuck in the same looping patterns. Now she helps others achieve the biggest healing miracles of Body Freedom™ so they have the confidence and health to create amazing lives.

Success Stories

"I reached out to Amber after years of chronic dieting and struggles to lose weight. I was carrying over 100 pounds. After we did hormone testing and I ditched the diet mentality and healed emotional eating, I got curious about WHY I was hanging onto the weight and figured out my weight-loss blocks. I've lost over 65 pounds and am being patient with my body on the journey. The more we work together the better I feel." -Carole

"I kept asking to get my cortisol and thyroid hormones tested because I suspected I had an issue that was making me feel tired and gain weight easily. After working with Amber and doing an entire thyroid panel and AM cortisol tested, we got to the bottom of my hormone issues which explained my symptoms and weight-gain. I was able to build them up naturally and each week my clothes fit looser. Thank you, Amber!" - Stacy

"I was told that as I aged, it would become harder to lose weight, and I would just continue to feel more depleted. After I reached out to work with Amber, she taught me none of that was true unless I believed it. Together, we worked through my weight loss-blocks which included low progesterone, a thyroid issue, past hurts I was hanging onto and significantly reducing inflammation from gut issues that are now cleared up. I was shocked I didn't have to do any restrictive diets or crazy exercise. This approach is the best I've ever experienced. If you need help getting the answers and support to end the fight with your body and weight, Amber can help." - Layna


Sign up for The Female Hormone Health & Weight-Loss Workshop Series!